Warm Up Capsules

Warm up capsules are useful when you have some asynchronous capsule whose value you want to access synchronously in the future, without needing all dependent capsules to themselves be asynchronous. This is especially helpful when dealing with something like a SharedPreferences or FirebaseApp instance (in Dart/Flutter) or a database connection (in Rust), which you can only get a copy of asynchronously.

You warm up warm up capsules so that any dependent capsules are ready to use. For Flutter, there is a simple built-in extension method to help you warm up capsules, named .toWarmUpWidget().

You must perform the warm up process before any dependent capsules are read/initialized; failing to do so will result in an unrecoverable error.

You should only use application-wide warm up capsules for asynchronous values that:

  1. Are highly unlikely to fail.
  2. When fail, should be treated as unrecoverable error(s).

If something in a warm up capsule fails in Flutter, anything below the warm up widget in the widget tree will be unaccessible and the error widget will be shown!

In Flutter, you can often (and when possible, should) use .toWarmUpWidget() to warm up capsules in more nested parts of the widget tree. Warming up capsules in a more nested location is a better practice than warming up capsules globally (i.e., right under RearchBootstrapper), but for cases like SharedPreferences and FirebaseApp, it makes sense to warm those up globally.

An Example

Here is a quick example that shows you how to warm up a capsule.

Warming up asynchronous warm up capsules
final sharedPrefsAsyncCapsule = capsule((use) => SharedPreferences.getInstance());
final sharedPrefsWarmUpCapsule = capsule((use) {
  final sharedPrefsFuture = use(sharedPrefsAsyncCapsule);
  return use.future(sharedPrefsFuture);
final sharedPrefsCapsule = capsule((use) => use(sharedPrefsWarmUpCapsule).dataOrElse(
  () => throw StateError('sharedPrefsWarmUpCapsule was not warmed up!'),

int? count(CapsuleHandle use) {
  // Notice how `use` returns a synchronous `SharedPreferences`,
  // i.e., *not* an AsyncValue<SharedPreferences>.
  return use(sharedPrefsCapsule).getInt('count');

// Now, let's create our "warm up widget"
class GlobalWarmUps extends RearchConsumer {
  const GlobalWarmUps({required this.child, super.key});

  final Widget child;
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetHandle use) {
    return [
      // When any of the following warm up capsules error out,
      // the errorBuilder is invoked.
      // If any are still loading, the loading widget is shown.
      // If there are no AsyncErrors or AsyncLoadings, child is shown.
      // Note: all loading happens in parallel automatically
      // to speed up your loading times!

      // other warm ups here...
      child: child,
      loading: const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive()),
      errorBuilder: (errors) => Column(children: [
        // You might want your error display here to be prettier than this one.
        // You can even wrap the Column in a MaterialApp/Scaffold.
        for (final AsyncError(:error, :stackTrace) in errors)

void main() {
    child: GlobalWarmUps(child: MaterialApp(...)),

And here's a complete, runnable version of the above.


Warming up capsules is not a pattern unqiue to ReArch; in fact, I copied it directly from Riverpod and made some slight tweaks to make it easier.