ReArch = re-imagined approach to application design and architecture
We must state definitions and provide for priorities and descriptions of data. We must state relationships, not procedures.
-- Grace Murray Hopper, Management and the Computer of the Future (1962)
Specifically, ReArch is a novel solution to:
- ️ State Management
- Incremental Computation
- Component-Based Software Engineering
And with those, come:
- Reactivity through declarative code
- Loose coupling and high testability
- App-level composability via a functional approach to dependency inversion
- Feature composition through side effects
In a Nutshell
Define your "capsules" (en-capsulated pieces of state) at the top level:
Defining capsules
// Capsules are simply functions that consume a CapsuleHandle.
// The CapsuleHandle lets you get the data of other capsules,
// in addition to using a large variety of side effects.
// This particular capsule manages a count from a classic example counter app,
// using the state side effect.
(int, void Function()) countManager(CapsuleHandle use) {
final (count, setCount) = use.state(0);
return (count, () => setCount(count + 1));
// This capsule provides the current count, plus one.
int countPlusOneCapsule(CapsuleHandle use) => use(countManager).$1 + 1;